News 2022
December, 2022: Congratulations to Julius Zimmermann - a former PhD student and now associated researcher of project A02! He successfully defended his PhD thesis on December 9, 2022. The title of Julius' thesis is: Numerical modelling of electrical stimulation for cartilage tissue engineering.
November, 2022: Thomas Distler receives Best Doctoral Thesis Award from STAEDTLER Foundation.
We congratulate Dr. Thomas Distler on receiving the Best Doctoral Thesis Award from the STAEDTLER Foundation based in Nuremberg. Thomas carried out his PhD thesis under supervision of Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini at the Institute of Biomaterials, Unversity of Erlangen-Nuremberg, in the framework of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1270/2 , in collaboration with Prof. Hermann Seitz, University of Rostock (Project B01). The thesis, titled: "Development and Characterization of a 3D-Printable and Electroconductive Hydrogel for Tissue Engineering" was defended in November 2021. Thomas is currently carrying out post-doctoral studies in Munich. Well done Thomas!
November 10, 2022: The SFB 1270/2 ELAINE participated in the discussion series UNIVERSITÄT IM RATHAUS on November 10, 2022. Prof. Ursula van Rienen, Prof. Rainer Bader and Andreas Markschies from Medizintechnik Rostock GmbH answered questions from interested citizens of Rostock.
October 25, 2022: Congratulations to subproject C03. They published their article entitled: Deep brain stimulation in animal models of dystonia in the journal Neurobiology of Disease. Click here for the article.
October 17, 2022: Prof. van Rienen will participate in the panel discussion on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Interdisciplinary Faculty.
September 1, 2022: Congratulations to Frank Krüger, subproject leader of the INF project. He was appointed as Professor for Data Science and machine Learning at Wismar University of Applied Sciences.
August 2022: Congratulations to subprojects A02 and A03. They published their joint article entitled: Pulsed Electrical Stimulation Affects Osteoblast Adhesion and Calcium Ion Signaling in the journal Cells. Click here for the article.
August 29-31, 2022: The annual retreat of the SFB 1270/2 ELAINE took place at Schloss & Gut Ulrichshusen.
On the 3rd day, Mrs. Bettina Martin, Minister for Science, Culture, Federal and European Affairs of the State of Mecklenburg Western Pomerania, visited the retreat. She wanted to be convinced by the science and progress in the SFB 1270/2 ELAINE. Click here for the press release.
July 08, 2022: Prof. Stefanie Tschierlei from the ‘Technischen Universität Braunschweig’ gave a talk within the SFB 1270 ELAINE and SFB 1477 LiMatI lecture series "Women in Natural Sciences and (Bio-)Engineering": " CO2 activation with light - is it possible?”
June 24, 2022: Univ.-Prof. Bergita Ganse from the University of Saarland gave a talk within the SFB 1270 ELAINE and SFB 1477 LiMatI lecture series "Women in Natural Sciences and (Bio-)Engineering": "How can musculoskeletal research in space help to develop the next generation of active orthopedic implants?".
June 23, 2022: The SFB 1270 ELAINE participated at the this year's "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften" and presented its research to the interested people.
May, 2022: Aldo R. Boccaccini, Professor and Head of the Institute of Biomaterials at University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, B01 project leader in ELAINE, has been conferred the degree of Honorary Doctor of Philosophy at Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU), Turku, Finland. The Honorary Doctor degree is in recognition of his successful research in biomaterials and his collaboration with Åbo Akademi University.
April 29, 2022: We're happy to re-start our SFB 1270 lecture series "Women in Natural Sciences and (Bio-)Engineering". Prof. Barbara Nebe gave a talk about "Zellphysiologie und Geweberegenration – Plasmaphysik in der BioMedizin".
April 28, 2022: The SFB 1270 ELAINE enabled six interested girls and boys to get to know the research within the SFB for this year's Girls' and Boys' Day. It was a great day with many impressions. We are looking forward to next year!
April 25, 2022: This year's conference on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine – AMMM 2022 (https://www.ammm.science/home) takes place September 12-15, 2022, in Lübeck. Prof. Hermann Seitz (PI of projects B01 and C02) is conference co-chair.
April 04, 2022: Congratulations to Andrea Andree (former Ph.D. student in subproject A02) and Maria Kober (Ph.D. student in subproject C04)! They published their joint article entitled: Deep brain stimulation electrode modeling in rats in the journal Experimental Neurology. Click here for the article.
March 30, 2022: Prof. Dr. Derek Groen, Brunel University London, gave a talk about: Uncertainty Quantification and Multiscale Simulation using the SEAVEA (or VECMA) toolkit.
March 22, 2022: Julius Zimmermann - associate researcher and former Ph.D. student in subproject A02 - published his paper titled: Numerical study on the effect of capacitively coupled electrical stimulation on biological cells considering model uncertainties in the journal Scientific Reports - Nature. Congratulations! Click here to read the article.
March 10, 2022: The former PhD Student in project A02, Mr. Konstantin Butenko, successfully defended his doctoral thesis. The doctoral supervisor Prof. van Rienen and the ELAINE association congratulate most sincerely.
The thesis is titled: "Modeling Perspective on Translatability of Deep Brain Stimulation Mechanism for Treating Parkinsonian Motor Symptoms in Rodent and Human".
March 09, 2022: Sascha Genehr - Ph.D. student in the INF project - organized a workshop on Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs).
March 2, 2022: Prof. Dr. Dafsar, Uniklinik Köln gave a talk about: Non-motor effects of deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease.
March 2022: The SFB 1270 ELAINE will participate in this year's Girls' and Boys' Day. The event will take place on April 28, 2022 giving girls and boys the opportunity to get to know the research within the SFB. Further information can be found here.
February 23, 2022: Prof. Dr. Michael Levin, Tufts University, gave a talk about: Instruct growth and form: from pre-neural mechanisms to electroceuticals for regenerative medicine.
February 2, 2022: Prof. Dr. Andrea Kühn, Charité Berlin, gave a talk about: The role of chronic brain sensing technology for individualized deep brain stimulation therapy.