INF - Infrastructure Support Project
Summary of the work programme
The infrastructure support project addresses the professional management of research data raised, processed and archived in the research projects. Its overarching goal is to ensure the quality, productivity and competitiveness of the CRC in terms of data management. A comprehensive data management plan will be negotiated and implemented. A training and qualification programme for the foundations of reproducible research, open science and data management will also be provided. The promotion of open science is a central objective.
Virtual Research Environment
The virtual research environment of the CRC 1270 ELAINE enables the web-based collaboration of the involved researchers during the entire research process, i.e. starting at the research hypothesis and ending at the publication of the research results. This improves the reproducibility and the traceability of the scientific investigations by providing central mechanisms for storage, exchange and documentation of research data and software. For this purpose specialised services are employed and integrated into each other.
Central research aspects are:
1.) Collaboration in multiple disciplinary research projects in virtual research environments
2.) Traceability of research processes and Quality assurance of research data by standardized documentation and automatic processed
3.) Semantic documentation of research data and processes by natural language processing
Cooperation institutions
Rostock University Library / IT and Mediacenter of the University of Rostock
Project leader
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sascha Spors
Tel.: +49 381 498 7300
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Ursula van Rienen
Tel.: +49 381 498 7070
Prof Dr.-Ing. Frank Krüger
Tel.: +49 3841 753–7421
University of Rostock
Institute of Communications Engineering
Albert-Einstein-Str. 26
18059 Rostock
University of Rostock
Institute of General Electrical Engineering
Albert-Einstein-Str. 2
18059 Rostock
Wismar University of Applied Sciences
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Philipp-Müller-Straße ·
23966 Wismar