IRTG - Integrated Research Training Group
Summary of the work programme
The CRC 1270 ELAINE aspires to achieve outstanding research in the transdisciplinary field of electrically active implants. It is thus pivotally necessary to provide young CRC researchers with the highest-standard theoretical and methodological expertise for an insightful examination of the various interdisciplinary CRC topics. The Integrated Research Training Group offers a well-structured qualification programme that imparts not only scientific proficiency, but also social and professional key competences. This curriculum is complemented by a Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) program for the structured supervision of doctoral researchers by senior CRC investigators.
Contact for research training group
Project leader
Prof. Dr. med. habil. Alexander Storch
Tel.: +49 381 494 9511
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Adelinde Uhrmacher
Tel.: +49 381 498 7610
Rostock University Medical Center
Department of Neurology
Gehlsheimer Straße 20
18147 Rostock
University of Rostock
Institute of Computer Science
Albert-Einstein-Str. 22
18059 Rostock